2023 Senior Association Information
- Anyone age 60 and over.
- Cost to join - $30.
- Must sign up on theoaksatsf.com website under Associations / Senior Association put in information and credit card number.
- Must have 2023 UGA Handicap. (uga.org to sign up)
- Includes 2 lunches.
- Must pay regular green fees and cart fees or punch pass or season pass or morning special if playing before 9:00 am.
- Must pay an additional $10 above green fees for game of the day ($7) and skins ($3).
- May play at any time during the day on Thursday.
- Tees: Age 60-65 White / Age 66-80 Yellow / Age 81 and over Red.
- Must play with at least two other members.
- Turn scorecards in in black box by information board in café.
Click here for the membership registration.